The world of public transport is in constant transformation. For years, the Mobility Innovation Tour has been narrating its evolutions, representing a fixed appointment for an important audience of professionals: mobility agencies and transport system planners, industrial players and supply chains, energy companies and the academic world.
On 14 June 2023, the Tour stopped at e-Novia with a meeting dedicated to the autonomous driving sector, which saw Vincenzo Russi (CEO) and Ivo Boniolo (COO) as speakers.
No longer a simple utopia, but a concrete reality, driverless technology continues to advance. Criticalities and obstacles are not lacking, but the potential is infinite. In fact, automation in the automotive sector finds various applications by exploiting the most modern technologies and the fastest telecommunications networks.
In particular, public transport offers, due to its peculiar systematic nature guaranteed by the predefined line routes, the natural application for the creation of pilot sites aimed at demonstrating the effectiveness of self-driving vehicles for transporting people in urban areas. The advantages are many, both in terms of management and for the effectiveness and efficiency of the service provided, also opening up the new trend of “real time” flexibility and adaptability of the transport offer.
Today companies already invest large resources and make products capable of operating at the highest levels of automation available on the market. Constant attention to innovation, combined with a close link with the manufacturing reality of Italian and European excellence, has allowed e-Novia to create solutions that are able to respond to the needs of the market.
The application of autonomous driving systems to the sector of professional vehicles, such as tractors or road sweepers, and the pre-validated vehicular robotics solutions (Rob.Y) offered by e-Shock, allow vehicle manufacturers to face a technological transition that would otherwise be economically ineffective.
The e-Novia Group has generated technologies that perfect and complete the offer of increasingly intelligent and connected cities. Blimp‘s sensors measure the flows of pedestrians and vehicles finding wide use in the context of modern Smart Cities. Thanks to systems that modulate public transport based on the real number of travelers or that optimize parking systems by signaling their availability, citizens can save one of today’s most precious assets, time.
Via San Martino 12,
Milan 20122, Italy
P.IVA 07763770968
Capitale sociale € 353.860,50 i.v.
PMI innovativa iscritta nella sezione speciale del Registro delle imprese
Via San Martino 12,
Milan 20122, Italy
P.IVA 07763770968
Capitale sociale € 233.877,22 i.v.
PMI innovativa iscritta nella sezione speciale del Registro delle imprese