
The ADI Permanent Design Observatory rewards WEART, including it in the publication of the ADI Design Index 2022

The TouchDIVER by WEART, the company that digitizes the sense of touch by offering the most realistic tactile experience on the market, is among the best innovative products of 2022.

The ADI Design Index 2022, which represents the first volume of the biennial cycle that collects the products that will be able to participate in the ADI 2024 Compasso d’Oro Award, has rewarded the TouchDIVER of the Milanese startup WEART as an innovative product of national importance, which combines the best technology and a superior design, including it in its 2022 publication.

This will give WEART the opportunity to also access the Compasso d’Oro 2024 Award, conceived in 1954 by Rinascente and then donated to ADI, which has managed it continuously since 1956: it is the most prestigious recognition of the production and design quality of goods, services, processes and systems of Italian design. Gathering the awarded products, the recognition has generated the largest historic design collection, declared “asset of national interest” in 2004.

Moreover, since 2009, the ADI Design Index represents the annual selection of candidates for the National Award for Innovation, sponsored by the Presidency of the Republic. This important acknowledgment sees every year the identification by the ADI of three significant products from the point of view of innovation, identified among those published in the ADI Design Index, which will then be awarded the prestigious National Award for Innovation.

«We are extremely proud to have received this recognition from an institution of great value such as ADI. For years we have been engaged in the creation of a product focused on the digitization of touch which is not only technologically advanced, but which also integrates the fundamental aspect of design» – explain the co-founders of the startup Guido Gioioso and Giovanni Spagnoletti. They add: «With our technology we want to expand the ways of interacting with multimedia content. Through WEART devices, today it is possible to touch the Metaverse, a universe that, until recently, could only be perceived and enjoyed through hearing and sight. We were the first in the world to talk about wearable haptic technologies. Today we are a leading company in the sector of haptic interfaces applied to the world of Virtual and Augmented Reality. The possible applications of our “glove” are many, from video games to life sciences, not counting the fashion and furniture sectors». Finally: «Sealing this important moment with an award of this stature, which recognizes the innovative value of the product and at the same time its ability to adapt to the more industrial context, pushes us to continue to do better and better, carrying high the flag of Made in Italy».

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26 September 2023